Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Is your bed made? Is your sweater on?

So, I have been continuing work on my music project.

I - for Imogen Heap. Not a big fan of her recent album, but I listened to "Hide and Seek" on repeat for like a month when I first got it.

J - Joan as police woman.  I recently got to see Joan Wasser live for the second time, this time just 5 mins away from my flat. She was sporting a leather jumpsuit that very few people would be able to pull off and was fabulous on stage as always.

K - Kimya Dawson (of the Moldy Peaches). The Juno soundtrack is a favourite of mine.

L - Libertines. Pete Doherty and Carl Barat have the most amazing chemistry. Things just aren't right, if they're not in a band together.

So, I've been going through my favourite musicians, picking one artist/band per letter. However, some letters are incredibly hard, as there are next to none to pick from, and some are ridiculously hard, because there are simply too many.
Who knew that F and J are such a popular letters? Not me.